The 29th issue of The Rest: journal of Politics and Development is out now. Download the issue here… TABLE OF CONTENTS Research Articles A New Strategic Responsibility for the EU: EU-NATO Cooperation against Hybrid Warfare from Russia By Maurizio Geri Pages 6-19 | Full Article PDF | 3.297 MB Africa Through the Lens of Chaos and Complexity By Fernando Jorge Cardoso & José Manuel Félix Ribeiro Pages 20-31 | Full Article PDF […]
A New Strategic Responsibility for the EU: EU-NATO Cooperation against Hybrid Warfare from Russia
Maurizio Geri Dr., George Mason University, The article critically examines the process of the EU as a defence actor, its cooperation with NATO, especially in hybrid warfare, and how the EU needs a new ‘strategic responsibility’, in front of an increasing hybridization of war by Russia.Since the beginning of the European Community in the 1950s, the idea of a ‘defence union’ reemerged regularly in the history of the […]
Africa Through the Lens of Chaos and Complexity
Fernando Jorge Cardoso Professor, OBSERVARE at the Autonomous University of Lisbon, ORCID: José Manuel Félix Ribeiro Assistant Professor, Department of International Relations, Autonomous University of Lisbon, ORCID: ABSTRACT Africa cannot be looked at as a big country. The Continent is politically organised into 54 states, which are very diverse entities with different histories within and without their borders. Almost all these states are multinational – multiethnic places with […]
Ethnic Conflicts in Ghana: Colonial Legacy and Elite Mobilisation
Beenish Ayub beenishorakzai12@gmail, National Defence University, Islamabad Abstract This research paper examines the relationship between ethnic conflicts in Africa and their roots in the colonial legacy and elite mobilisation, focusing on the case study of Ghana by taking into account the regions of Dagbon and Bawku as examples. It examines how the dynamics of ethnic tensions in the post-colonial age have been influenced by the colonial past of Africa, which […]
Examining Political Parties’ Perspectives on Foreign Policy through Their Election Manifestos: 2023 General Elections in Türkiye
Ibrahim Yılmaz Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science and Public Administration, Samsun University, ORCID Number: 0000-0002-6081-6648 ABSTRACT The election manifestos, published by political parties before a general election, provide important information about what the countries’ domestic and foreign policies might be like. In Türkiye, it might be argued that the attitudes of political parties toward foreign policy are important to voters. Political parties in Türkiye state, in general, their […]
An Analysis of Egyptian and Israeli Discourse on Israel’s Control of the Philadelphi Corridor during the 2023 Gaza War
Fatmaelzahraa Nassar Department of International Relations, Sakarya University, ORCID: Ahmet Üçağaç Dr., Department of International Relations, Sakarya University, ORCID: ABSTRACT This study investigates the interplay between sovereignty discourse and national security through an analysis of Israeli and Egyptian discourses during Israel’s control over the Philadelphi Corridor following the 2023 Gaza War. Employing critical discourse analysis, the research examines official statements and media coverage from both nations, highlighting […]
The Impact of Energy Security on Inter-Relations between the Gulf Cooperation Council Countries
Haila Al-Mekaimi Professor, Department of Political Science, Kuwait University, ABSTRACT The concept of energy security in the Arabian Gulf region refers to the ability to meet the energy needs of countries in the region without interruption in a way that guarantees the economic, social, and political stability of these countries. The concept of energy security in the Arabian Gulf includes several aspects: Ensuring strategic supplies. This relates to […]
The Political Process Involved in Formulating Healthcare Policy in Japan: With a Particular Focus on Advisory Councils, Interest Groups and Medical Officers
Yukio Sakurai Dr., Yokohama National University , ORCID: ABSTRACT Japan’s healthcare policy is defined by a universal health insurance system that guarantees affordable healthcare for all citizens at any time and in any location. The system was established in 1961 and has since undergone a process of evolution through the implementation of national healthcare policies. Despite the existence of conflicts and issues, the mechanism of the Central Social Insurance […]
The Role of Mass Media Propaganda in Shaping American Culture: A Study on the Torches of Freedom
Oğuz Kartav PhD Student in the Faculty of Communication at Sakarya University, ORCID: Mikail Uğuş Associate Professor in the Faculty of Communication at Sakarya University, ORCID: ABSTRACT This study examines the profound impact of mass media propaganda on American culture, with a particular focus on the iconic Torches of Freedom campaign. Originating in the late 19th century and led by Edward Bernays, this campaign aimed to reshape social […]